Thursday, March 26, 2009

Dog Poetry

Well, I'm giving my blog a go again and trying out a new blog program called Marsedit. I decided that for this post I'd just publish some silly poems I wrote for the Nathaniel News, my son's newspaper he publishes occasionally for our family. These poems are by Calvin and Hobbes, our Labradors.

Squirrel PopsicleDSC_0784.JPG.jpg
Morning time.

The daddy lets me out--where’s Mama? I pout!

Run, run, smash into the door.

I pushes me out--I go out before.

(Hobbes is not the Alpha Male!)

Sniff, smell. Whoa! Dead--something dead!


I crunches it in my mouth!

A squirrel popsicle! Oh most YUM! My mouth drips goo!



The daddy grabbed my prize.

He throws it over the fence. How dense!

My crunchy squirrel’s demise . . . .

Goodbye, my popsicle.

Good bye.

--by Calvin

Mousey: A PoemDSC_0750.JPG.jpg

Sticky. Dead. A Mouse.

I take. I hold in my mouth.

The Mama grabs--she holds a biscuit out.

I bite. I swallow.

Mouse and biscuit whole.


--by Hobbes

1 comment:

Susan Pigott said...

By the way, I am no longer allowing anyone to comment on my blog. Someone using Blogger started leaving vicious comments on my blog about my mom. There's no way to report people who leave such comments, so the only way I can keep it from happening is basically to bar comments completely.